Our TRANSITIONAL HOUSING, in upscale recovery homes, provides structure and support to promote lasting recovery. With relief from daily stressors, transitional housing is an excellent solution for patients shifting from comprehensive rehab into an independent lifestyle.
A HALFWAY HOUSE offers comfortable, safe, and structured living accommodations for patients transitioning out of intensive rehabilitation treatment. As you work to return to an independent lifestyle, a halfway house can provide the support and resources that you need for success.
What is Transitional Housing?
Transitioning housing provides safe, comfortable living accommodations for individuals recovering from substance abuse or mental illness. It provides a smooth transition from intensive rehabilitation treatment to a healthy, independent life.
In transitional housing, residents have more freedom than they would in a recovery center, but they’re still held to set standards and guidelines. These guidelines help residents stay on the path to lasting recovery as they gain independence.
Candidates for Transitional Housing
Individuals who no longer need the level of care provided in a rehabilitation center but want to stay committed to their recovery are great candidates for transitional housing. In practice, transitional housing can significantly boost the success rate of addiction recovery.
We offer services to people aged 18 to 75 with a diagnosis of mental illness or chemical dependence. Residents of transitional housing receive help with the shift to full independence and daily responsibilities.
The Benefits of Transitional Housing
Life Without Distractions and Temptations
For transitional housing residents, the distractions and temptations of day-to-day life aren’t a factor. Residents can focus on their transition to full independence in a controlled, supportive, and comfortable atmosphere.
Access to Clinician Support
In transitional housing, treatment staff members are on call to provide help and support as needed. This safety net provides peace of mind and assistance to residents during the later stages of their recovery.
Stay Connected to a Sober Community
Recovering individuals have access to a vibrant, sober community in transitional housing. This eliminates the feeling of isolation that many people experience when they return to life after rehab. In the company of treatment staff and other recovering individuals, transitional housing residents can enjoy positive social interactions in a safe environment.
Stay on Track with Accountability
In transitional housing, residents are held accountable for their actions. Rules and expectations act as a major deterrent against relapse and risky behavior. When compared to independent living, transitional housing helps residents stick to their recovery plan for long-term wellness.
Transitional housing can help you stick to your recovery plan and work towards long-term health. To learn more, contact us today.
What is a Halfway House?
A halfway house provides living accommodations for those who are in the later stages of addiction or mental health recovery. This type of living facility offers more independence than an intensive recovery center, but also provides structure to help keep residents on track. For recovery patients who aren’t quite ready to return to home or fear that doing so would be overwhelming, a halfway house is an excellent treatment option.

Candidates for the Halfway House
If you no longer need full rehabilitation center treatment but want to retain structure on your path to recovery, a halfway house could be right for you. In fact, staying in our halfway house can significantly improve your chances for a full, successful recovery.
Individuals aged 18 to 75 with a diagnosis of mental illness or chemical dependence are eligible for treatment at our halfway house.
The Benefits of Halfway House Treatment
Relief from Triggers and Temptation
By living in our halfway house for the later stages of addiction and mental health recovery, residents can steer clear of triggers that may cause a relapse. This safe, supportive environment allows residents to focus on building a new, healthy lifestyle.
Standards for Recovery Success
While our halfway house residents have more freedom and responsibilities than they did during rehabilitation treatment, rules and standards are enforced. These rules help keep residents on track to reduce relapses and improve recovery success.
Support from Our Experienced Staff
Residents in our halfway house have round-the-clock access to trained staff. This support is crucial in the vulnerable period of transition as residents adapt to life outside of rehab. Counseling and other recovery services are also available as residents continue their recovery journeys.
Be a Part of Our Sober Community
In our halfway house, residents enjoy a sense of belonging to our sober community. Fellow residents who understand what you’re going through provide social support as you work towards your wellness goals.
By staying in a halfway house, residents can enjoy a smoother, healthier transition back to regular life after rehab. If you or a loved one could benefit from our halfway house services, contact us today.